기본 동사

Do 동사

zephyr 2010. 1. 10. 21:23

                                3. Do 동사


    Do도 기본 동사(primary verbs)로서 Be동사, Have동사와 마찬가지로

조동사(auxiliary verb)와 일반 동사/본동사(full verb/main verb)로 사용된다.



                      1) 조동사


 Do 동사는 현재 시제(do/does)와 과거 시제(did)로 일반 동사의 원형과

결합하여 의문문과 부정문을 만드는데, 그리고 일반 동사의 의미를 대신하거나

강조하는데 사용하는 조동사이다.  



     (1) 의문문


       A: Where do you  live?

       B: Does she like ice cream?

       C: Did you enjoy the party?


 의문문을 만드는 조동사로는 do, does, did 등 세 가지이다.   



     (2) 부정문


          A:  I don't know.

          B:  She does not understand.

          C:  He didn't say anything.

          D:  Don't be silly.

          E:  Don't be frightened by that noise



  부정문을 만드는 조동사는 do not, does not, did not 등 세가지이고

 보통 don't, doesn't, didn't 로 축약하여 사용하기도 한다.




        (3) 강조의 조동사


              A: Do sit down.  

              B: Do be quiet.

              C:  I did enjoy our talk.

              D:  You do look nice today!

              E:  She thinks I don't love her, but I do love her.

              F:  He said I was going to win, and I did win.



           (4) 대동사(proverb)  


              A:  I like ice cream and Ann does, too.

              B:  Take the dog for a walk - I've already done it/ done so.

                   C:  He knows as much as you do.

              D:  "He didn't have any lunch."    "Neither did I."

                   E:  She teaches English, doesn't she?


be 동사 외의 일반 동사의 반복을 피해 do 동사를 대신 사용한다.




                       2) 일반 동사


 본동사 do는 대체로 [(동작, 행동, 일 등)을 하다]의 의미가 된다.


                  A: Do you do your shopping once a week?

                  B: He didn't do his homework


                  C: What are you doing?     -  I'm making a cake.

                      cf. What are you making?    - A cake


                  D:  What are those boys doing in our garden?

                  E:  What are those clothes doing on the floor?

                                              < be in the wrong place >


                  F: I do a lot of swimming.  = I swim a lot.

                  G: I was done.  = I was cheated.

                  H: That'll do.    = That will be enough.

                   I:  My private life has nothing do do with you.

                  J: Shall I do your room out?   < clean >

                  K: I did  three years in the army.  <spent >

                  L: I'll make / I'll do the bed this morning, if you like.



                            "Do" and "Make" compared


                 do:  good. harm, business, one's best, favor, one's hair. etc.

                 make:  an attempt, an effort, an offer, an excuse, a suggestion,

                             a decision, a phone call, a fortune, a fire, peace etc.


'기본 동사' 카테고리의 다른 글

have 동사  (0) 2010.01.05
BE 동사  (0) 2010.01.02