Can you get a real kick out of reading the badinages?

zephyr 2011. 8. 3. 11:28

cheeky ones !!!!

Ladies hostel caught took 1 hour to bring the fire under Control........
and another 3 hours to bring the firemen under Control.
Wife: If I sleep with your best friend, what will be the first
        Thought to Come in your mind?
Husband:.....that you are a lesbian.
Lady : "I want a good vibrator";
Salesman: "Ma'am you may select one from our range that is

                displayed on That wall";
Lady : "O.K. I'll take that red one";
Salesman: "Sorry, that's our fire-extinguisher";
A Husband Was Asked: "Do you talk to your wife after sex?"  

He Replied: "Depends, If I can find a Phone"!


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