
zephyr 2011. 10. 19. 10:57


Photos of some of the most famous US presidents when they were just kids. There is nothing special about them, and there is no way to know, just by looking at these boys, that each of them in time would grow up to become the leader of the most powerful country in the free world.
George W. Bush, 9 Years Old, With His Mother and Father, 1955
Bill Clinton, 5 Years Old, 1952
George H. W. Bush, 5 Years Old, With Sister Mercy, 1929
Ronald Reagan, 12 Years Old, 1923
Jimmy Carter, 12 Years Old, With Dog Bozo, 1937
Gerald Ford, 6 Years Old, With His Half-Brother, Tom, 1920
Richard Millhouse Nixon, 4 Years Old, 1917
Lyndon Johnson, 6 Months Old, 1909
John F. Kennedy, 10 Years Old, 1927
Dwight D. Eisenhower (Center) With Friends, 17 Years Old, 1907
Harry S. Truman, 6 Months Old, 1884
Franklin Delano Roosevelt , 3 Years Old, 1885
Barack Hussein Obama (age unknown - no birth certificate)

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