Chippendales 30th Anniversary!

zephyr 2011. 8. 9. 16:26





Coming to your town soon

Can you believe it....30 years since these HOT Men came dancing into your lives.

Then it all went wrong


Sometimes life isn't FAIR..................

Confucius Says:





Man who run in

Front of car get tired.


Man who run behind

Car get exhausted.


Man with one

Chopstick go hungry.


Man who scratch butt

Should not bite fingernails.


Man who eat many

Prunes get good run for money.



War does not

Determine who is right, war determine who is



Wife who put

Husband in doghouse soon find him in



Man who drive like

Hell, bound to get there..


Man who live in

Glass house should change clothes in



Man who fish in

Other man's well often catch crabs.


Crowded elevator

Smell different to midget.


Person who deletes this has no humor!!!


Now send it to 1

Or more people..

Nothing will

Happen but 1 or more people laughing




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