

zephyr 2010. 8. 28. 12:55

Believe it or not, tennis ace Roger Federer's trick shot video becoming an online sensation.


William Tell was never this popular. To be fair, though, there wasn't a YouTube video of him shooting an apple off his son's head for the world to see.

Video of tennis star Roger Federer twice knocking a metal water bottle off a man's head with his powerful serve during a commercial shoot has become a YouTube sensation, with more than two million views since it was posted on Monday.

However, the legitimacy of the shot is being called into question. Some feel the shots are too perfect to be real. Others feel that since it was shot on the set of a commercial for Gillette that it was done to create a viral video hit.

Fans of Federer argue that an accurate serve from the distance Federer stood from the man with the bottle shouldn't be a problem for the No. 2 tennis player in the world.

This isn't the first time a video featuring an athlete doing a questionable stunt has gone viral. In 2008, footage of Kobe Bryant "jumping" over an Aston Martin speeding towards him hit the internet to promote Nike sneakers.

As for Federer, he's not giving away his secrets any time soon. After his match at the Cincinnati Masters, he told the Associated Press that "a magician doesn't tell how his tricks work."

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