말씀이 사려 깊지 못하네요...

zephyr 2010. 8. 26. 13:19

 Politically incorrect....



      The rescue workers at the Pakistan flood area say that  the smell of bodies is unbearable.They expect it to get worse when they start finding the dead ones.


       A charity single has been released in aid of the Pakistan Flood Relief. It's called, "Raindrops Keep Falling on Ahmed."



     Paddy got arrested in B & Q today for punching an African woman at the till. He claims it wasn't his fault as his father had told him to go in and get a Black and Decker.



      A lesbian went for a smear test and the doctor told her, "That's the cleanest vagina I've seen!" The lesbian replied, "Yes, I have a woman in twice a week!"



  Ramadan is here again. The one time of the year when

Muslims cannot eat or drink within the hours of daylight,

they just starve. Never has the term, "Not enough hours

in the day" been more appropriate! 

※ = The term, "Not enough hours in the day" has never

       been more appropriate.



   An Aussie bloke was sitting on a bus when a gorgeous

british woman next to him starts breastfeeding her baby.

The baby won't take it so she says, "Come on, eat it all up

or I'll give it to this nice man here." Ten minutes later,

the baby is still not feeding so she says again,

"Eat it all up or I'll give it to this nice man here."

 The bloke says, "Listen, love, can you make your bloody

 mind up, I should've got off four stops ago!"


Aussie = 오스트레일리아의

   bloke = 남자, 녀석

    breastfeed = 젖을 먹이다

   bloody = 화가 나는 것을 강조할 때 fucking보다 정도가 약한 말


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