THE 'Penis' POEM...

zephyr 2010. 7. 22. 09:48

My Nookie days are over,
My pilot light is out.
What used to be my sex appeal,
Is now my water spout.
Time was when, on its own accord,
From my trousers it would spring.
But now I've got a full time job,
To find the F*****G thing.
It used to be embarrassing,
The way it would behave.
For every single morning,
It would stand and watch me shave.
Now as old age approaches,
It sure gives me the blues.
To see it hang its little head,
And watch me tie my shoes!!

note:  nookie = sex   pilot light = 불씨  

            water spout =  a part of a container that is shaped like tube and is used for pouring water

            of one's own accord = 자진해서/자발적으로

            give sb the blues =  울적하게 하다

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