Julie Fletcher Photography Australia

zephyr 2015. 6. 28. 10:32



Julie Fletcher -

An amazing photographer



Inspiring story of woman who quit her

toxic relationship and city life to move

to a remote town with just one pub....
and she now takes some of the most

magical photographs of Australia

you'll ever see.


She’s done what many people can only dream of,

ditching her mundane office job to travel long-term

around Australia with just a camera for company.
And now the photographer has thousands of stunning

and unique photos of the country’s most remote

and unfrequented landscapes to show for it.




1. First Light: - Julie Fletcher captured this photograph of Uluru,

which is a bright red colour, showing off blue hues.

She insists this is the exact colour the rock was when she snapped the shot.



2. Graveyard: -  This eerie scene was shot at Menindee Lake in far

west New South Wales, and was published in the French National

Geographic in May.Fletcher says the 'surreal milky green water is

a natural phenomenon caused by electromagnetic activity from

the lightning hitting the waters surface'



3.   Pathway of Light: - Taken in Lake Eyre in remote South Australia,

this incredible photograph shows the planet Venus and a sky full of

stunning stars.The image has made her a finalist in this year’s David Malin

Awards for astrophotography.



A failed relationship was the catalyst for change

but Fletcher had always hoped for an adventure.

'I was in a destructive relationship at the time.


The plan was to travel after I'd finished studying

my diploma of commercial photography,’

Fletcher told Daily Mail Australia.
Born in Adelaide, South Australia, Fletcher moved

to Sydney in her early twenties and worked in an

office handling superannuation in what she described

as ‘just a mundane office

job that paid the bills’.


4   Local Talent: -  Fletcher snapped this horse in Silverton, a tiny outback

town in far-west New South Wales, which has a population of

less than 100 people.


5    - Fletcher has an incredible signature style, as seen in River Gum 

snapped in Brachina Gorge in the Flinders Ranges of South Australia,


6  Delicious Light- Taken in a remote location in mid-north South Australia.


7   The Pound:  - This photograph showcasing Mt Ohlssen

in the Flinders Ranges in South Australia is one of Fletcher's

best-selling and favourite images.

8  Red Centre: - When she first left the city life Fletcher spent

three months in the centre of Australia capturing sensational images

of Ayers rock in the Northern Territory such as Nightscape.



9   - Blue Tears and Bloodwoods.



10  Passion: - The 42-year-old said photography helped transform her

after a difficult relationship. Pictured here is the Glen Helen Gorge

in the Northern Territory.



11  New lifestyle: - Fletcher ditched her high heels and glamorous

dresses to trek through the outback and pursue her dream

of landscape photography


Her 12 years of travel began in the heart of

Australia, at the sacred Aboriginal site of Uluru,

where Fletcher explained she found herself again

after her difficult breakup.
The great red rock gave her a taste for the remote.

‘I guess I loved the space, it was easy to get away

from everything and everyone,’ she said.
Fletcher doesn’t know of any other female

landscape photographers in Australia and

described it as a man’s world.
‘I thought why can’t I do it? All these blokes do it.

And that's what I’ve done over the years -

been one of the boys.’
It hasn’t been a smooth journey though and

Fletcher is only too aware of the dangers that

Australia’s vast landscapes hold.




12. Watching: - The photographers portfolio contains hundreds of

species of Australian wildlife, like this pelican in Emu Bay on

Kangaroo Island in South Australia.



13.  In Flight:  - A flock of Corellas taking off from a dead tree

in an unidentified location.



14   Egrets:  - In this shot two herons sit perched on the end of

a tree branch in Menindee Lakes in far-west New South Wales.



15  In The Fog: - Taken in the Great Otway National Park,

also known as the Otways or the Otway Ranges, this shot shows off

the huge forest located in Victoria.



16   Cascades: - Uluru in the Northern Territory gets a makeover

when there's heavy rain in the area, and rivers can be seen gushing

down the crevices of the red rock.



17   Loner: - A flock of black swans were captured flying

the Flinders Ranges, the largest mountain range in South Australia.



18  Cutie:  - Fletcher often manages to snap photos of

wildlife up close, like this adorable marsupial at the Kangaroo

Island Wildlife Park in South.


19  Excuse Me: - This little kangaroo looked a little lost, or perhaps

just curious as he poked his head up out of the long grass somewhere

in the Australian outback.



20   Bright Eyes:  - A Yellow Footed Rock Wallaby was posed

for Fletcher in the Flinders Ranges of South Australia,

where she has spent much of her time snapping the scenery.



21   Fog:  - Taken in late June of this year, what looks like dust is

actually fog rolling across the Oodnadatta Track in outback South Australia.



22  Patterns:  - Fletcher often uses reflections and the different

coloured light on|show at different times during the day as seen

in the sunrise in Morning Glory.



23   - The sunset in Dancing Boabs.



24   Bedtime:  - This spectacular sunset was captured over

Lake Hope, in remote South Australia.



‘This region in general is hard core.

I love Lake Eyre, or my little spot as I call it,

because I have gotten to know it so well and

can almost predict what’s going to

happen next out there now,’ she said.
‘There is nothing out there but at the same time

there is so much if you just see and not just look.

In the right conditions it is just incredible but go

on a bad day and it's awful.
‘This area has made me a better photographer

by challenging me all the time.

I am constantly looking for a different approach

on the same subject.

It’s taught me to keep things simple and don’t

overthink things,’ she added.




25   Remote:  - The photographer says there is so much to see

if you just look properly and her trade has taught her to see things

she previously would have missed.



26  Isolation:  - Lake Eyre located in remote South Australia takes

on a new life with this phenomenal shot showing a sky full of stars

and a sea of colour.




27  Aerial:  - Fletcher says the outback has made her tougher

but the dangers of working in such remote areas are not lost on her.




Despite still being regularly on the road on her own

after 12 years since leaving Sydney, the tiny town of

Marree has become Fletcher’s base.
There is nothing there but one pub, one caravan park

and one roadhouse. But the single roadhouse happens

to be the home of Fletcher’s current boyfriend,

Lyall Oldfield.

‘There's not much out here, it's pretty isolated…

but I am lucky and get to travel a fair bit

which breaks the monotony of being here

the whole time.

I need my space and travel time and my

partner is fully aware of that and he fully

supports me… he's a good man,’ she said.

You can visit Julie Fletcher's Facebook page 

to view the full collection of photographs,

purchase one of her stunning images, and

find out more about the Photography Classes 

she offers in South Australia.




28  Lost Souls  -  Three figures gaze up at the Milky Way and

Venus with Jupiter over Lake Eyre, in Remote South Australia.



29  The Bluff -  Fletcher took this stunning shot of a lone tree and

its pixelated reflection in the Flinders Ranges of South Australia.



30  Taking Flight:  - A Wedge Tail Eagle soars over the South

Australian outback in this image.



31  Successful: - Fletcher has had much of her work

showcased internationally with publications such as

National Geographic









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