
zephyr 2013. 10. 23. 10:05



How stunning is this??

Click on the video link, OSPREY at the bottom.

A truly remarkable sequence.

Wonderful photography!


The OSPREY . . . Nature at it's best.
This is truly an incredible video. Hard to believe this Osprey got 5-6 fish

at a time and then got a flounder under 3 feet of water and made off with

what looks to be a 5+ lbs. steel head.
The strength of its grip is amazing!
There are 3 sequences in this one video:
1st sequence - catches half a dozen fish in one strike.
2nd sequence - plunges into deep water to grab the prey.
3rd sequence - captures a steel head salmon that looks as if it weighs more than he does! Observe the wing movements to get him airborne....Majestic !!!

Video link:   OSPREY

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