Kim Han-sol interviewed

zephyr 2012. 10. 23. 10:09

 has shared a video with you on YouTube
(The interview is in English and begins at 1:35. Part 2/2 at
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XSfVOf4OACs )

Kim Han-sol interviewed by Elisabeth Rehn for Finnish television.

Kim Han-sol is the grandson of Kim Jong-il. He never met his grandfather. At the time of this interview in 2012, he was studying at United World College in Mostar, Bosnia and Hertzegovina.

Elisabeth Rehn (b. 1935) was a UN Under-Secretary General and the Special Rapporteur for Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1995-1999. Before that, she was a member of the Finnish parliament (1979-1995) and Minister of Defence (1990-1995). Rehn helped found the United World College in Mostar.

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