Unkept secrets are killing us

zephyr 2012. 9. 28. 18:59



This is so disturbing.  I can only imagine the level of rage that these brave men must be experiencing to have made a video of this kind.  Unbelievable! 

 One of the reasons I will be glad when this election is over is that I will stop getting hundreds of e-mails.  Whenever I send one out, I tell myself that I have got to stop doing what everyone else is doing.  But, this e-mail is so damaging to you and me and those we love that I decided you have to choose whether you want to know this or not. 



This video's information was compounded when this morning's front page headlines told our enemies that we had shipped Marines to provide security for our embassies.  "Anonymous sources" who were not authorized to leak this information to the media not only said what was done, but how many and then corrected the location and named the city.  So, enterprising terrorists know where 50 of our elite Marines will be, when they will get there and be able to take care of business.  The men who made this video (former CIA operatives, Special Ops folk, Seals, etc.,  have now put themselves at risk, but deemed it important for you and me to know.  I don't know for whom you are going to vote, but you should watch this. I know that God remains in control of what is happening all over the world. 

But, I am also believe that Satan doesn't need any help.  So..In the meantime, I have two words for the White House - SHUT UP! 





This is an excellent video.....long but worth the time.

This administration is endangering all of us.

This video made by the U.S. Navy Seals and others may cost Obama his second term in office. It's just incredible how effective this video is in convincing Americans that Obama is a very serious national traitor. History will judge him negatively for 1,000 years. Incredibly powerful video! Senior CIA, FBI, Military and many other U.S. government intelligence officials describe for the viewer how Obama has compromised U.S. national secrets and the very serious consequence of those actions. And what's worse, he did it all for political gain so he could win a second disastrous term in office.

Navy SEALS Respond After Media Matters

Calls Them "Gutless"

Watch the video.



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