the secret of happiness

zephyr 2011. 12. 12. 14:30


It has been said that the secret to happiness is having someone to love,

something to do and something to look forward to.

But even if we have these three "somethings," there may be times when

we don’t feel so joyful.

Scientists say that people who rarely seem to be in a good mood may

simply have naturally lower level of endorphins. These are released by

the brain and make us feel good when we’re enjoying ourselves or

when something nice happens. Of course, how we feel can be affected

by lots of other things as well. These include lifestyle, past experiences

and genetic aspects.

The rest is up to us? from the way we think about things to the way

we manage our lives.

Most of us have much more influence over our feelings than we may think.

But taking control doesn’t mean denying our feelings.

It means understanding into more positive ones.

We can’t always avoid negative thoughts, but one of the keys to

mental balance is being able to notice when we're "choosing" or

"allowing" ourselves to think negatively rather than positively.




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